We get a lot of people contacting us asking why the tips they just bought from a market stall or website not up to the usual quality. Unfortunately there are a lot of unscrupulous traders out there who stock fake products and they sell ours to. The tips you buy from the dodgy traders are the very poorest quality with the only likeness to the real product being the cover image, once you open them up it becomes very clear the paper is neither chlorine or bleach free nor is it hemp or hemp coated. 


If the Trader or website is not on our trusted sellers page then don't buy from them !! - unless they can prove the products are real and there supply.

Why are Quintessential Tips copied so frequently copied though, the answer is clearly that our tips are leaps and bounds better than the rest and therefore fakers, counterfeit makers and market shysters who make there money off other peoples hard work have targeted quintessential tips for forgery. 

If the covers are glossy or shiny then the tips are fake, we ask all conscious people to help us eradicate the fakes by letting us know or sending any information that we can use to secure a conviction against the traders. We reward everyone who gives us information that helps with a conviction,  so not only can you help do the right thing, you also get a reward for your help.

Please sign up to our mailing list and like, share and tweet with us on Facebook and Twitter. We appreciate any and all love passed our way and if you have been  long time fan of our tips please express the love and help push Quintessential Smoking roach Tips even further.

We have lots of new products about to hit the website shortly and are just awaiting new product images before they go live so keep checking back to see any new and exciting additions that you may be into.

To infinity and beyond - or something like that