Tobacconists are a dying breed, its unfortunate but many rural towns have lost there's in the recent years probably due to increased competition from large supermarkets and the internet driving the prices and the profit margins into a downward spiral. It would seem that vaping e-liquids has taken over the role of the once proud high street tobacconist but is this for better or worse as there is now very few places to get real additive free tobacco any more especially in Cornwall that had quite a few dedicated ones.
Dont fear though there is still one place selling and stocking all your favourite tobacco products and smoking accessories and that is Quintessential based in the wonderful and historical capital of Cornwall, Truro. They stock all the sizes of Pueblo natural tobaccos and also Native American Spirit plus the last few remaining packets of Maya that's being discontinued in the UK for sale but should not be as it has a massive following.
On top of the natural Additive free tobaccos on offer they also stock Greengo and a few other herbal smoking mixtures including Vapour herb, the first dedicated flavoured herbal mix meant for vaping.
While Quintessential is not a replacement for traditional tobacconists, in Cornwall they do provide access to these tobaccos at a very competitive price to the general public, over 18 only though and will also stock anything related, so if you pop in and they don't have it please request it and they will get it in.