For reasons unknown and with zero prior warning our Amazon Payments account has been pulled. One can only surmise that this is Amazon going the same route as PayPal. Oh well what can you do,  I suppose it is flattering that we are one of the first to go with Canavape being the first I think to fall. We are in talks with several new merchants and will be taking online payments very shortly again, possibly today. Thank you for taking the time and effort to check out via phone and bank deposits  while this is rectified. This is just part of the industry, and we had issues prior to this with PayPal. It's just part of the game. Right now they are busy identifying the smaller traders, and they will also be losing the amazon pay function and selling ability on Amazon, so a ball ache all round for lots of people with no notice or reason given. I am sure a conspiracy theory exists with this one. Any way, on we go, new year, new products and if our government can pull its finger out, hopefully new laws for medicinal use to come but who knows. When we live in a country whereby a politician can purposefully talk out a discussion on a sick child getting Cannabis, you have to ask - who do they work for as it's not us, that's for sure.

Amazon CBD Oil Payment gateways UK

So why would Amazon close down all the Sellers using Amazon Pay as a method of acquisition on their own platforms and also on their seller accounts on the Amazon platform, why did PayPal and why did so many merchant banks like Barclays restrict their clients from using their services in conjunction with CBD Sales.  The answer is probably more varied than Big Pharma, Tobacco, Alcohol and of course the Fossil fuels industry lobbyists making the hemp plant as hard as possible to utilize by normal people the world over. These people, would in no way put profit before humanity, and I am sure that they would use their powerful connections and interlinked networks that for definite do not own any politicians to ensure that CBD and Hemp was available to all. Sarcasm overload but you get my point. Anyway the cat is out of the bag now, Hemp / Cannabis is the future, its time we insisted to our political overlords that enough is enough, stop delaying the inevitable and do the right thing. 

Hemp uses - reasons to keep it restricted

So what is new with Quintessential Tips, well as said above we have new card facility starting today plus of course new product ranges both in CBD and in lifestyle products. We are going to be adding a whole new range of add on products that are perfect for the conscious consumer, be it incense, soap or natural cosmetic beauty products both with and without CBD. We also hope to do some festivals this year and show what we do and how we do it to the wider country in the flesh. Thank you again for using us, for reading this blog and for all the great reviews you give us - Shine on people.