When you want to know more about any product, practice or service, it’s ideal to begin right at the start. Many curious beginners in cannabis consumption may wonder what the different methods behind the rolling and smoking experience are.

Although there are pre-made joints made now for individuals to smoke, there’s still a certain charm with getting your own rolling paper. Aside from having your full control, rolling papers are solely dedicated to consuming cannabis. They have come a long way from their origin too. Continue reading if you want to know more about the history of rolling paper:

Where Do Rolling Papers Come From?

Tobacco had slowly risen in popularity back in the 1500s, sold in the form of loose leaves like tea. While many had used their own pipes in order to smoke these, there was a growing demand for smokable and disposable papers.

Thus, paper manufacturers invented rolling papers to cater to the increased number of tobacco users. These were sold on their own to commercial businesses who would later create their own cigars and cigarettes for everyone thereafter.

What Are Rolling Papers Made Of?

It took a while to figure out the best material and composition for rolling paper to ensure that it would hold tobacco and cannabis right. Some had made it out of newspaper in the past, while others utilised corn husks to roll everything into a tube for smoking. 

Eventually, the organic paper was the most ideal to use in holding tobacco and cannabis. These should usually feature a brown hue, though some companies may bleach the rolling paper to ensure that it turns white for marketing purposes. Try to avoid rolling papers that contain dye.

How Were Rolling Papers Made?

Cigarette sales skyrocketed in the 1800s and 1900s, especially during the course of World War II. Thus, production had ramped up for plenty of businesses, and rolling papers were specifically designed and engineered for the growing industry.

Rolling papers are typically produced in packs, though they aren’t packaged as such. The paper quality of it is usually inspected for any pores or holes in between the fibre. It’s ideal for rolling papers to have such features to ensure that it burns evenly when rolled and lit.

How Are Rolling Papers Used?

Rolling papers are typically used for hand-rolling whatever you want to smoke. While there are plenty of other options in the market for cannabis consumption such as pre-rolled joints, it’s remained quite the staple practice for just about any smoker. There are a variety of techniques you can try out, from creating a cone shape to making a straight tube. 

What Goes In the Rolling Papers?

As mentioned above, tobacco and cannabis go into the rolling papers. One of the great things about utilising rolling papers is that you can certainly have a grasp over how much you’re going to put and the variation. If you want to have a good smoking experience, high-quality ingredients and papers would be the most ideal. 


Rolling papers have a rich history, and learning just a few of those facts can help you appreciate the products that you have at your disposal and be more aware of their production. Learn and understand more about the items that you’re using for a smoke. 

Looking for CBD products? Quintessential Tips offers the best products from the world’s cannabis and hemp industry to customers in the UK searching for rolling papers, cannabinoid products and more. Order today!