So our range of fine premium hemp based teas are growing, and we are very pleased to add the new offering by Amma life CBD Oils UK to our product range which you can find by clicking this link. We have kept adding different brands to our tea range as they have proved themselves very popular with most people finding it in the first instance the best and easiest way to ingest cannabinoids like CBDa / CBD as drinking tea is non-threatening so it lends itself to first time use for people unsure if ingesting cannabinoids would be right for them. Often this method breaks down the barriers and allows the user to slowly transition their body and mind into accepting that Hemp and cannabis is normal. The teas are very pleasant to drink and the experience is not to dissimilar to drinking normal green tea. The manufacturer says the following - This CBDa tea is filled with the finest c. sativa leaves. The properties of the plant will be activated when you steep the teabag in hot water for up to 15 minutes. If you have not yet tried a hemp based tea then this premium hemp tea will provide you with one of the best drinking experiences possible due to the pyramid tea bag which allows the hemp inside to brew correctly due to the increased movement inside the bag. If required honey can be added to the tea to increase sweetness if you find the tea is to bitter. I personally find it the perfect all day cup of tea and i only drink one cup of black tea a day now with Hemp Tea becoming my favorite drink. Its light, refreshing and relaxing and if you have been thinking of trying a CBD oil or product, this may be the best way to break the ice so to speak in the cheapest way, if you get on with it and like the products you can then try more CBD products at your leisure with less fear or uncertainty.