Rolling paper comes in a wide range of brands and types, with some offering a touch of pineapple or bubblegum through artificial flavouring. This makes your marijuana smoking sessions feel new and exciting every time. Although it’s best to order them in bulk, not everyone knows the right size they should purchase. When it comes to rolling paper, size definitely matters, especially if you plan to invite people over to smoke together, best get to your local headshop or order online. 

Does size matter when choosing rolling paper?

Rolling a joint is a lot more complex than what some people might think. Having the right brand of herbs and the size of rolling paper can affect how well you can enjoy your smoking sessions. Whether you’re rolling for yourself or with a group, your choice of rolling paper will fit some situations and fall short in others. This is why it’s necessary to identify the right product to purchase, especially if you’re going to be the session’s host.

In this article, we’ll differentiate three kinds of rolling paper to guide your purchase on your next smoking session.

Single and 1¼ rolling paper

Most local shops offer single and 1¼, or Spanish, rolling paper for people who don’t plan to smoke for a long duration. In terms of size, both are relatively similar in length but vary slightly in width. The Spanish’s width has a 25% advantage over singles, making it a better option for group smoking sessions to pass around with. Although most people prefer using a single for solo smoking sessions, beginners may have trouble rolling their herbs due to a Single’s small allowance. This makes it tough to curb their marijuana in place, which is another reason why the Spanish can be a better fit, even for solo smokers.

King size rolling paper

King size rolling paper is excellent if you’re inviting plenty of people over or just want one large joint to smoke throughout the day. It’s also a great option for people that want to use crutches and filters with their joints without making it hard to roll. Additionally, the King size ultra-slim is thinner but contains a similar length to a traditional king size, albeit with a smaller with. Although it can contain slightly fewer herbs, it’s great for professionals who have a lot more experience with their joint-rolling skills.

Uncut rolling paper

If you’re not comfortable with the set dimensions of the rolling paper above, you can purchase uncut rolls instead. These products stretch out as wide as five meters and length, allowing you to cut them for your own needs. It’s a flexible option that remains pocket-friendly since your one-time purchase prevents you from buying individual rolls in bulk. Besides being great for your stash of product, it can also be a versatile option if you’re the assigned provider of rolling paper at a party. Since you can’t estimate how many people are going, guests can serve themselves by bringing their own herbs while using your rolling paper.


Before picking any size for a group session, remember to confirm the number of people who’ll be joining you to smoke. Additionally, you can even ask for their smoking preferences if some of them have particular rolling paper preferences. The more information you know about the event, the better you can prepare the suitable materials to have a good time. Whether you’re smoking with company or by yourself, it’s important to use only the best product from quality brands.

The right provider should have a wide variety of products to cater to your smoking preferences for a good time. At Quintessential Tips, we can supply your hemp-loving needs with our catalogue of CBD cartridges, hemp edibles, CBD blunt wraps, hemp edibles and more! Shop from us to receive previous products for your smoking session today!