Here's what we're covering:
- How Quintessential Tips will comply with the new European Union data protection rules
- Updated Privacy terms
- Why We Collect Data

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect on May 25, 2018. This regulation will change how companies use and process the personal data of European users.
Quintessential Tips is working hard to make sure we comply with the GDPR when it takes effect on May 25, 2018. We will have public documentation posted before that date for your review.
Update - New information about our privacy policy and how it effects you. please read. We are contacting all our newsletter subscribers shortly to reconfirm that they accept us using the information they provide, to market to them - either by manual or automatic email and to explain what we do with the information you provide and how it is stored. This blog will continue to grow as we take further steps to ensure we provide the relevant care of your information.
We have undertaken several new processes to deal with our Customers information. Below is a statement of what we are doing to protect your information and how we obtain it from you. We have done the following to ensure this
1. We have now appointed a Data Protection Officer on behalf of the company and the below has been done to ensure we do not do the wrong thing regarding our customers information.
2. We have conducted a Data Audit & Understand where our information comes from and what we do with it.
3. We have Updated our Privacy policy to bring into line with GDPR guidelines and explain in detail what information we get from you and what that information is used for.
4. We have updated our checkout procedure to include a non pre populated tick box for you to opt into our marketing endeavours. this is not Auto enrollment and required you to opt in, rather than opt out.
5. We will monitor our requirement under the GDPR and make changes as required - we have no intention of messing with your data ore security and we do not sell your information or profit from the sale of your information.
6. We have made sure all Third party Apps that we use for customer related sales and marketing are also complaint.
7. If you wish to remove consent or make use of the GDPR please contact us and we will help you in a timely manner - with no more than 30 days to respond and give you the desired information.
8. Certain information can not be removed or deleted if for example a governing body needs us to keep order information for Tax purposes, we will need to keep the minimum requirement so as not to fall foul of HMRC or other Business regulations .
External apps That Use Your Data and what we have done to make them compliaint.
MailChimp - We have ensured all new newsletter subscribers have opted in to our marketing and this is done via the Newsletter sign up form in the footer of our website. We have also contacted all members prior to the GDPR to get them to reaffirm their understanding and opt in to our marketing actions. Our newsletter subscribers have always had to input their email address to give and we do not buy information anywhere.
Stamped IO - Our Reviews App Stamped IO have released a statement about their GDPR compliance. They are committed to the following and you can opt in or out of the reviews by using the unsubscribe button on the bottom of any review request that will be sent to you by email after your order. Quintessential uses Stamped IO as a data processor to assist with collecting feedback from people who have had a buying or service experience with our company. Stamped IO acts as a data processor and our company is the data controller. Both companies are committed to complying with the GDPR.
- Providing visibility and transparency - The most important aspect of GDPR is how the collected data is used. As a data processor,'s key role is to provide our customers (the data controllers) with the access to effectively manage and protect their user data. is exploring ways to make optimal product enhancements without compromising on performance so that we can provide better transparency to our customers.
- Enhancing data integrity and security
- Portability and transferability of data - GDPR gives end users the right to either receive all the data provided and processed by the controller or transfer it to another controller depending on technical feasibility. With this new right in mind, is working on further enhancing its data exporting capabilities to enable export even at the individual level.
- Additional features will be rolled out to allow users to delete data of a specific customer from our database completely
- We have stopped collecting any other data of EU customers other than what is required (email address and name)
Smile Loyalty Rewards - This is opt in only and to use it you need to sign up for and account through the reward program and accept the terms and conditions to create a reward program account. We do not do this for you and you can opt in or out as you wish.
TrustPilot Reviews - Quintessential uses Trustpilot as a data processor to assist with collecting feedback from people who have had a buying or service experience with our company. Trustpilot acts as a data processor and our company is the data controller. Both companies are committed to complying with the GDPR. This is part of the complete service offered by Quintessential which includes the ability to rate and review its services.
Royal Mail Click & Drop APP - This is used for the dispatching of the orders and is not a opt in or out consent based marketing platform. This platform is what we use to apply and dispatch customer orders.
Why We Collect Data - We collect data for Legitimate interests Only
What we do with the Data - We process personal data under Legitimise interests